Aesthetic Surgery Centre & Medical Spa - Plastic Surgery







247 Reviews on “Aesthetic Surgery Centre & Medical Spa - Plastic Surgery”

247 reviews
  • I would recommend and applaud the superior service, professionalism, focused, individual and sincere care. My remarks apply to not only the spa but clinical and surgery services and personnel. They are truly a benchmark for excellence for others in the competing market.

  • * Dr. Pratt performed blepharoplasty on my upper and lower eyelids and I am so happy with the results!

    * Marty in the med spa did my Botox injections and she is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!

  • I absolutely recommend this clinic. I saw Dr. Erhet for a breast augmentation. I have had a fantastic experience thus far. This clinic did not pressure me at all to book this procedure, instead they offered a free consultation where I was able to meet with Dr. Ehret and ask questions. I also met with Leslie, the scheduler, who was also wonderful and she went over price and availability if I wanted to book the procedure. I said I wanted to think about it and she absolutely respected that and did not pressure me. I ended up calling the next day to schedule my surgery for a breasts augmentation. Now – I have spoken with a few girlfriends who have also had a BA and let me tell you, I ABSOLUTELY think I had the best experience by far. I received SO much information from Dr. Ehret during the consultation – my friends got little to no info and were only really asked about what cup size they wanted to be. I feel like I learned so much and was absolutely able to make an informed decision after my consultation appointment. Dr. Ehret has fantastic bedside manner and was very friendly and knowledgeable. Booking the procedure was easy. The day of surgery was also super quick and easy. Dr. Ehret covers ALL of his bases for medications for after surgery to make sure you are comfortable. I was SHOCKED about how thorough the post-op instructions were and also super pleased with the medication routine for post-op. Many of my girlfriends complained about severe nausea and itching -but Dr. Erhet had medications to address that so that wasn’t an issue for me! I am now 6 days post-op and I am amazed at how great of a job Dr. Ehret did. I got the breasts I have always wanted. I have referred so many of my friends to this clinic. Do yourself a favor and book with Dr. Ehret. I cannot thank him enough for everything! Thank you!!!!!!

  • Terrible customer service from the get go and that should have been my clue to turn around and leave. Sadly I made the mistake of meeting Dr. Ehret. Horrible bedside manner and his techs were not any better. 0/10 would not recommend ever.

  • Marty is THE best lip / Botox injector! I’ve had my lips done before and it hurt SO bad but she has a certain technique where it’s completely painless. I recommend her services 110% 🙂

  • I had a surgery done on my eyelid and my eyelid looks great now. My insurance is on a group health plan, so they accept cheap insurance. The team is friendly and compassionate.

  • I went here for a breast augmentation after a friend shared her experience with me. My consultation with Dr. Ehret was free and very informative. Himself and staff made me feel comfortable enough to schedule my surgery there. I was given many options for the procedure, payments, and it was made clear to me that results can vary due to every body being and healing at in its own way. The day of surgery my nerves kicked in and I was very overwhelmed. The ladies in the pre op room made me feel much better and helped me to relax by talking me through the procedure. My 48 hour and 6 week checkup both went really well and I am so thankful I selected this office for my procedure! I will continue to refer others there in the future.

  • Here’s an honest review of my experience after having a breast lift and augmentation done with Dr. Ehret. For my initial consultation, I was shown a few photos of breast augmentations, but was NOT shown results of the lift scars. Not only did Dr. E make several inappropriate comments about how I, “really needed that extra lift work done,” he told me to not worry about scarring, and that everything would be cleared up in a year or so. It has been well over a year since my surgery, and my scars are in terrible condition still. I spent $800 on scar barriers and creams that were reccomend by Dr. E, and purchased at their clinic. I did everything I was supposed to do during my recovery process. Each time I went back for check up examinations, all Dr. E would do was take photographs of my naked breasts, and tell me to come back in a few months to see what they looked like then. My entire surgery cost $11,000, and let me tell you what, the results aren’t even close to worth that kind of money. We are a military family, and my husband sacrificed a lot to be able to give me this gift to help me get back on my feet after having our first daughter. I went to Dr. Ehret to help fix a problem, and instead I left his office facing all kinds of new ones. I’m in the process of searching for a new Dr. that may be able to fix some of the scar damage, and reshape the implants. The staff is rude, entitled, and most are not knowledgable if you have questions regarding your surgery. I’m posting this because I see so many positive reviews, and I’m glad other people have had pleasant experiences, but that was not the case with mine. If Dr. E offers a realistic solution on how to fix his work, I will give him a chance to fix it, but I am far from happy with my surgery results.

  • Horrible place. Dr did half if my lipo procedure. I am disfigured from the procedure. Also had an an eye pro that left scaring in one eye. It a life if dissapointment. I had very positive results from other docs. So sorry I went there

  • I really like this place. They gave me lots of options… when it’s possible and they are honest about the outcome and the literature. I was there for some pretty sensitive repair and reconstruction. I love Dr. Ehret And he’s very professional and very clear and concise. I did felt comfortable and I was not pressured into any decision. I went to see another plastic surgeon in Tacoma, he and his staff were unprofessional and he did not let me choose what surgery I was going to have, but told me I could only have one repair surgery. When there were so many other options available. Coming here was like a breath of fresh air. Dr. Ehret’s Office is very professional and staff were friendly. Regarding cost: Of course things are not cheap and my surgeries are covered by insurance but what plastic surgery is cheap!? You get what you pay for! Watch Botched it’s not good to go to foreign countries for scary dangerous cheap procedures!

  • Greedy, overpriced and not patient-friendly
    You have to pay non-refundable deposit just to schedule consultation.
    You have to pay in full just to schedule the procedure and god forbid you need to reschedule (even 10 days in advance) they will charge you 25% of the cost…
    After consultation I realized that CO2 laser treatment I agreed to covered just around the mouth instead of the whole face – $2,280
    That includes $500 “anesthesia and $600 “facility fee” – the procedure as I was told will be 20 minutes, when ask how much will the full face procedure will cost was told – $4000 (30 minute procedure)
    It made no sense to me since “facility fee” as well as “anesthesia fee”was already paid for… so, 20 min. procedure cost 1180 but 30 min cost 3180?
    I ended up cutting my losses, I was charged 25%, because they schedule the procedure 2 weeks after you pay so no matter what you lose deposit and 25%
    After looking around I found that most of the local aesthetic centers in the area charge half the price.

  • Very nice, clean staff & office. (I’m surprised how many doctors offices have messy-looking staff)
    Never had a long wait. Felt like I had my questions answered & doctor cared about my issue.

  • Dr. Ehret at Aesthetic Surgery Center is an amazing surgeon. He is incredibly knowledgeable and very skilled. He answered all of my questions and concerns prior to my surgery. He is also a perfectionist and it shows in his work. I am very happy with my results. The office and staff are also wonderful. I would highly recommend this surgeon to anyone

  • I called them cause i wanted my breast implants removed. Theh told me they wont remove them unless i get them replaced. I feel like that is poor care. Its my choice if i want them replaced or not. Its greedy places like this that people into bad surgical decisions

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