BellaMedica - Med Spa







83 Reviews on “BellaMedica - Med Spa”

83 reviews
  • Rimma has taken such good care of me. From our first consultation to my most recent visit, she has shown kindness and a love for her job that feels really genuine. Potenza RF Microneedling can be pretty intense, even if you’re used to regular microneedling. During the service she would slow down if my discomfort was high and always checked in. Results so far have been pretty great, will probably get more treatments done

  • This place used to be great. I saw Fara for laser hair removal for several sessions last year and she was wonderful. The front desk staff and the rest of the team were also very professional and nice. They are now obviously under new management because they entire staff has turned over. The front desk has one nice man who seems to know what’s going on but the rest of the people there are pretty rude and seem overwhelmed. At one point a man came in and sat behind the front desk and wasn’t even in uniform, just jeans and a t-shirt and backwards baseball hat and he was really rude. I was confused, is this not a professional medical center?

    Fara is gone but luckily I found her, and I can see why someone of her professionalism and experience left this place. Will not be returning here.

  • Just don’t.

    Employees feed off and mirror the attitudes of management, and they do everything that management allows them to do. Thus, I would not entertain fishing in their business cultural pool for even a different aesthetician.

    This was my first encounter with both Bellamedica (Bella) and Rimma. I had arrived early at approximately 2:05 for a 2:30 tattoo removal consultation with Rimma. The consultation was scheduled for one hour. So far, the outer appearance, the “cover” if you will, was great. Then Rimma called me from the waiting room at about 2:25. Now it was time to see the inside – the contents.

    We sat in a small room. Rimma told me nothing about herself or Bella. She asked nothing about myself. She spoke fast and in a hurried manner. I did not understand the hurry when: 1) I was early, and 2) the meeting was scheduled for one hour. That hurried nature was red flag # 1. Her failure to engage with me, and tell me about herself and Bella was red flag #2.

    She asked to see my tattoo, took some measurements, and then showed me a price chart. It was quite a large chart with various price points based on, in part, how many sessions you pre-paid for. I asked for a copy of the chart and she said, “No.” That was red flag #3. She said it was her only copy. So what? Am I to believe she could not print out another one? Was she not able to make a photocopy? Why wasn’t she prepared with additional sheets to begin with? Where’s the service in customer service? She did not take the time to serve the prospect and apparently, I was not worthy of her time. At no time did she offer to print an additional copy, copy one, or even offer to e-mail it to me later.

    This “consultation” lasted about 10 minutes. Then she sprinted out of the room, handed me her card and then said good-bye. That was red flag #4. She did not walk me to the exit. This place was completely foreign to me and I wasn’t positive as to which hall to turn down. That’s a lack of empathy on her part – she does not put herself in the shoes of someone new to the office. I’m sure she knows where every hall and door leads to, but that’s irrelevant. The issue is whether I know where to go.

    Draw your own conclusions based on what I have shown you about my experience. The cover was great, but the contents not so much. My reading is that I was unwelcomed and just a piece of cattle. Felt no connection with either Bella or Rimma. Felt like she could care less whether I hired her or not. She treated me like I was an interruption to her job, rather than being the reason for her job.

    You may ask whether my experience really reflects management. To that, consider management’s response to this review. What does their response show about their concern of customer service? Do not ignore the roar of their response. The answer is truly right in front of you. This review was originally posted on around 2/28/2023.

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